1420 Speech and Presentation

Discussion Board Photo Roster Video Consent Form Syllabus

Week 01 B - Introduction / Syllabus / Attendance Policy

Week 02 A - Icebreaker & Set Up

Week 02 B - Watch Classmates' Introductory Videos

Student Introductory Notes


Week 03 A - Improve/Study Your Introductions

Say Cheese!

Video: Improve Your Posture Fast

Video: How To Fix Forward Head Posture - 3 Easy Exercises (From a Chiropractor)

Week 03 B - Connect With the Audience

Video: Connect With the Audience on LearnUs

Week 04 A - The New and Improve Introduction


Peer Evaluation #2

Week 04 B - Breathing, Pace, Enunciation, Pauses

Week 05 A - The Duchenne Smile

Uptown Funk Dancing Queen Walking On Sunshine Happy We No Speak Americano Waka Waka Can't Stop the Feeling We Will Rock You Say Yes

Don't Stop Believin

Week 05 B - Calming Yourself, Relaxing, Find Your Smile

Study Your New Intro.

Week 06 A - Practice: Breathing, Pace, Enunciation and Pauses

Pace Practice: Storyberries.com

Enuniation Tongue Twisters

Male Sample Female Sample #1 Female Sample #2

Week 06 B - The Power of Telling Stories

Video: The Power of Telling Stories is on LearnUs

Video: The Magical Science of Storytelling | David JP Phillips

Week 07 A - Improving My Story

Upload My Story

Inside the Mastermind of a Procrastinator

Video: Inside the Mastermind of a Procrastinator

Week 07 B - Restructure, Practice, Improve and Retell Your Story w/ Peer

Proof of Meeting

Week 08 A - Tell Us Your Story

Peer Evaluation Form Peer Evaluation Results

Self Evaluation Form Self Evaluation Results

Week 08 B - Speech Analysis (No PPT)

Speech Analysis Form Sample Speech Analysis Results for Speech Analysis

Aaron Beverly (An Unbelievable Story) Verity Price (A Great Read) Manoj Vasudevan (Pull Less & Bend More)

Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (I See Something) Darren Tay (Outsmart;Outlast) Ramona J. Smith (Still Standing)

Week 09 A - Analyzing Your Speeches

Week 09 B - Confidence in Theory

Video on: Confidence in Theory on LearnUs

Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy (This is homework)

How to become more confident -- lay down on the street for 30sec | Till H. Groß (This is not homework!)

Week 10 A - Confidence in Action

BioMotion Lab


Week 10 B - Delivery

Video on: Delivery on LearnUs

Video on: Nothing

Week 11 A - Impromptu Speech

The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking The power of introverts | Susan Cain How to spot a liar How to speak so that people want to listen

How great leaders inspire action Peer Comments

Week 11 B - Reading, Memorizing and Knowing

Week 12 A - Presentation #3

Peer Evaluation


Week 12 B - How to Improve the PPT

Video To be Uploaded on LearnUs (by Friday morning!)

How to avoid death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon

Week 13 A - Improving the PPT In Class

PPT Upload


Week 13 B - Watch Peer Improvements Presentations on Video

Peer Evaluation

Week 14 A - Final Presentation Preparation

Final Presentation PPT Upload Peer Feedback

Week 14 B - Record Presentation #1 & Peer Feedback

Week 15 A - Watch Peer Final Presentation Videos


Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation Comments

Week 16 A - Final Presentations

Peer Evaluation Course Evaluation